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Games in Libraries
Video Game Circulation in Montreal Libraries
Despite their popularity, video games have struggled to find their place in library collections. We would like to know how library members borrow games from their local library and the reasons they have for borrowing rather than purchasing them.
This survey is part of a broader research project that explores the role of socio-economic class in and around video games. Our upbringings and current life situations do play an important role in what we find interesting, what we can purchase, what we don’t have access to, and even what we think is worth our time. This study investigates these topics in relation to digital games.
We are looking for people to survey!
We are looking for input from people, 14 years of age or older, who regularly borrow video games from a library location. If you are interested, scan the QR codes distributed at our three library locations (Bibliothèque Marc-Favreau, Bibliothèque interculturelle, and Bibliothèque de Saint-Léonard) to open a short survey. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
As a thank you, participants may enter into a raffle for a $50 Steam gift card.
Recruitment and Consent Details
You are being invited to participate in the research study mentioned above. This section provides information about what participating would mean. Please read it carefully before deciding if you want to participate or not. If there is anything you do not understand, or if you want more information, please email Lyne Dwyer and Michael Iantorno at
You must be 14 years of age or older to participate in this survey.
The purpose of the research is to learn more about how the socio-economic class background of active game players shapes their access, interests, and practices of playing games. We would like to know how library members borrow games from their local library and the reasons they have (income, availability, etc.) for lending rather than purchasing them.
If you participate, you will be asked to participate in a digital survey, to answer questions about your video game borrowing practices at this library. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete through Microsoft Forms.
Risk and Benefits
You might face certain risks by participating in this research. These risks include feeling uncomfortable talking about past events related to your socio-economic status.
You have the option of terminating the survey at any time.
We will gather the following information as part of this survey: demographic information such as age, neighbourhood, and economic class; details about your library lending habits; information about the video games you currently have at home.
We will not allow anyone to access the information, except people directly involved in conducting the research. We will only use the information for the purposes of the research described in this form.
The information gathered will be anonymous. You may associate an email address with your survey to enter the draw for the Steam gift card, but this email address will never be shared outside the research team.
We will protect the information by keeping it in a password protected folder on the research team's computer.
We intend to publish the results of this research.
We will destroy the information five years after the end of the study.
Conditions of Participation
You do not have to participate in this survey. It is purely your decision. If you do participate, you can stop at any time.
Once you submit the survey, you will not be able to withdraw your information due to the anonymous nature of the survey.
As a compensation for participating in this research, you may enter a draw for a $50 Steam gift card. Your email address, if you choose to submit it, will be entered into the draw upon completion of the survey.
To make sure that research money is being spent properly, auditors from Concordia or outside will have access to a coded list of participants. It will not be possible to identify you from this list.
There are no negative consequences for not participating or stopping in the middle of the survey.
Contact Information
If you have questions about the scientific or scholarly aspects of this research, please contact Lyne Dwyer and Michael Iantorno at
If you have concerns about ethical issues in this research, please contact the Manager, Research Ethics, Concordia University, 514.848.2424 ex. 7481 or
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